A² Disc Golf

New Arrivals

Get your Glow on!

Discmania Discs

Axiom, MVP, Streamline Discs

Check out our selection of Axiom, MVP, and Streamline here!

Must Have Accessories

Casey White visits Altstadt Acres

  • About Me

    I'm Aaron. The beagle loving, adventure seeking, disc golf playing, entrepreneur. I've helped organize and build a disc golf community in Southern Indiana by creating a club, running tournaments, and designing courses.

  • Aaron Altstadt and Casey White with baby Crue at Altstadt Acres

    Casey White visits Altstadt Acres

    Casey White enjoys private backyard courses and wanted to have some fun at Altstadt Acres with one goal in mind: To ace the “hardest 90 foot hole in the state.”

    See if he does it here!

  • Course Design

    The sport of disc golf has grown immensely since 2019 thus creating a need for more disc golf courses. My disc golf experience dates back to 2014 experiencing 50+ courses. My first focus is safety while designing fun and challenging courses for local or traveling players. Come to me for your next course design!

About Us

Disc golf started in 2014 for our family which led to this business forming in 2019. I was personally granted the ability to share this sport by starting a club, building and designing courses, and running tournaments. As you can tell, we’re passionate about disc golf and love serving our customers!

We're grateful for all those who have allowed us the pleasure to serve your throwing needs. Nothing is more inspiring than providing goods that give so much joy to others!